Saturday, August 30, 2008

Michigan Fiber Festival - August, 2008

We didn't have a regular spin in August because of the Festival. Several of our group had booths at the Festival, so I tried to get photos of each of "our" vendors. Also, many of us were at the post-festival pig roast. Another great time and great food. Many thanks to Mike and Heather!

My first stop was at Deb's booth. Next stop was at Amy's. She was set up right next to Deb.
Then off to the barn to check in on Elizabeth who was in between sessions of the make and take for the kids. I talked to Pat about it and they had a very good turn out for their sessions. Even Maggie got conscripted to help out some.

On to Mike's booth, where he is making a pitch to a prospective customer.
Jamie is smiling (as usual). He is holding up a stand-in for Matt who was not able to come up for the festival this year. Matt - we missed you! We also met Jamie's mom and dad and they came up for the pig roast too.
Here is Suzanne's booth. She is an infrequent part of our group, but I recognized her red hat.
It was almost like old home week as I saw so many of you there. We are so lucky to have such a great festival this close to home.
I hope that everyone was able to find everything that they wanted at the festival. Some of us spent more than we planned on. Some photos of purchases can be found under Back Row Spinners in Ravelry. If you haven't joined yet, it's lots of fun and lots of information can be found. It is also a great gobbler of time...
Here are a few snapshots after the pig had been eaten and we are just sitting around in the beautiful full-moon night. The weather was about the best ever that night!

We made some new friends that are in Mike's other group - S.A.B.L.E. from the Holland area. We also heard some new jokes (can't print them here). I think that we may have some new guests/members at our next spin.
Speaking of which - our next spin is Sunday, September 14, at Steve's. Bring a dish to pass. We may have a really special guest - Shaun the sheep! We will be trying to do a group photo for him.
Steve is much better - back on his feet/foot so to speak. He expects to go back to work next week!
Hope to see everyone on September 14.

1 comment:

stephen rouse said...

Thanks Betty, for the work on the blog. I really enjoy reading it and reviewing all the fun we had during MFF week. It's surely the highlight of my year. So many wonderful friends....the spinning group is such a neat bunch of people. And we've all enjoyed meeting our "sister group" from Holland. What a neat bunch of people too....looking forward to doing more with them throughout the year.