Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June, 2009 - Skein Painting Workshop

We all missed our May gathering because of Steve having his stroke and being in the hospital and all. We made up for it in June with an excellent workshop and a great turnout. We didn't know at the time that it would be Kaylan's last regular spin since she is moving south.

Maria is a newbie who came for the skein painting - she would fit right in because I can see on her t-shirt it says "ass" - if that isn't Back Row, I surely don't know what is.

Sharon did a fantastic job as our instructor, and everyone seemed to have a great time with their artistic talents. Also thanks to Char for bringing stuff (tables, microwave, etc.) and for running to get more supplies that were needed. What a great sister!

The weather was absolutely perfect for the project. We were out in the shade of Steve's trees, so we could be as sloppy as we wanted. Here is Sharon, Char, Steve, Lori and the back of Melinda's head.

Jamie arrived to drop off and pick up fiber. He looks pretty serious and Elizabeth looks like she just ate something sour. Isn't candid photography great?!

Picture perfect weather. Kat came - it was good to see her after many months absence - Daleen, Karen K. and Judy came for the workshop. Elizabeth came without Troy - his absence was noted...

Steve showing off for the camera (as usual). I think he remembers all of us, but we have given him permission to play the "stroke card" as often as he thinks is necessary. He is taking full advantage of it. Kaylan, Melinda, Maria, Lori and Maggie round out this group activity picture. And Steve, you are a real sight!

Char, Melinda and Madeline are finishing up with the painting for the day - with everyone's finished yarn hanging behind. The colors are so great and it was such fun to do.

Lori, Daleen, Karen K., Judy, Maria, and James are relaxing in the yard after the workshop, some working on knitting.

And here is a small group of the finished skeins - I believe the final total of skeins completed was 15, so this is but a small part. Maybe next month, some finished projects will be available to post. Not mine, for I am so far behind, and of course, not Stephen's because he hasn't even finished his socks from his class in December...

Karen V. from the U.P. was here - she had some fiber to sell and then some fiber that she was picking up. Here she is sorting one of her fleeces.

And here is Pat and Elizabeth - Elizabeth is modeling her sock blanks that she dyed - I believe they are supposed to go lower, but she was thinking a tube top. Very unusual and oh so Back Row...

And your name in the blog if you correctly identify the photo below.

Our next regular spin will be July 26, but there is a rumor that we may try to have a bonus spin before Kaylan leaves.

I have been being pressed to have a humorous helpful hints about signs of a stroke, in light of what happened to Steve. I have done it, but I also want to add more about it here. Stroke is a very serious thing - we can joke about it now since Steve is all right (more or less), but the outcome could easily have been much worse. Everyone needs to check on the symptoms - there are lots of sources of good information available. Some of them are:,, These are only a few of the many websites available. And don't think it couldn't happen to you because it could.


Charlotte Epley said...

mystery photo is...

sharon said...

It would be unfair of me to say what the photo is....because I know.